Soybeans 1
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The amount of cholesterol that a person will produce depends on the diet. However, one food that we can always buy in healthy food has proven to be great for lowering cholesterol.

Cholesterol is needed by our body in certain quantities. It plays an important role in the process of digestion, production of hormones and vitamin D. Cholesterol is mainly found in food of animal origin, but also in our cells.

However, if it exceeds the allowed values, it can be extremely dangerous for our health. Excess cholesterol tends to stick to the inner walls of blood vessels, which can cause diseases such as stroke, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, heart disease, kidney disease, etc.

Cholesterol is produced in the liver, and its concentration in the blood is mostly related to the diet.

  • LDL is the so-called bad cholesterol and allowable values ​​in the blood are 1.55-4.53 mmol / l
  • HDL is the so-called good cholesterol and allowed values ​​in the blood are 1.03–1.55 mmol / l

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Elevated LDL cholesterol levels are mostly caused by improper diet and stress, while elevated HDL is mostly an indicator of protection against cardiovascular disease.

One food has proven to be especially important when it comes to lowering bad cholesterol. The British Health Organization called it the "perfect food" for healthy blood vessels. It's soy.

Recent studies have shown that soy can reduce bad cholesterol levels by 3%! This percentage may seem negligible to you, but it is extremely important for our body.

The scientific journal "The Journal of Nutrition" published the results of this research in 2019. Namely, the intake of 25 grams per day of this food for six weeks can lower bad cholesterol in the blood by 3 to 4%.

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