Sweet corn 2
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Sweet corn is one of the members of the Gramineae grass family with wheat, barley and rice.

100 grams of this corn will give us 342 calories. It also has a low glycemic index, which means that it is slowly absorbed into the bloodstream, without a sudden jump in blood glucose, and all this results in stabilization of blood sugar levels.

Here's why it's good to eat sweet corn.

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A good source of vitamin A.

Sweet corn has a high beta carotene content. Beta carotene is broken down into two molecules of vitamin A in the walls of the intestines and liver.
This vitamin A has an antioxidant effect (protects us from cardiovascular diseases, macular degeneration of the eye and cancer), strengthens our immunity and is necessary for good eyesight, beautiful and healthy skin.

Prevents anemia

Folic acid helps in the production of red blood cells and its lack in the body leads to improper maturation of blood cells, loss of appetite and anemia.
Corn is also a good source of iron, which is needed to create new red blood cells.

High content of B vitamins

Sweet corn has a high content of B vitamins, niacin and thiamine. Niacin increases "good" HDL cholesterol, protects the heart and blood vessels and prevents cardiovascular disease, while thiamine is essential for the muscular system, good nervous system function and good cognitive functions (concentration, memory, learning).

Regulates cholesterol levels

Niacin helps create "good" HDL cholesterol, protects the heart and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Corn oil helps lower "bad" LDL cholesterol, thus reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke.

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