Green Tea 1
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The nutritional and vitamin properties of kiwi have been known for a long time, and green tea is a very strong antioxidant, so it is clear to you how powerful this combination is and how good it does for the body.

Apart from being an extremely tasty and refreshing combination, this tea is a real treasure trove of vitamins, which will help you strengthen your immunity in a natural way.

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  • 3 peeled kiwis
  • 1/2 lemon sliced
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 bag of green tea
  • 500 ml of water


  1. Make green tea, add lemon slices and leave for five minutes.
  2. In the meantime, make kiwi juice with the help of a juicer.
  3. Add honey.
  4. Pour kiwi juice with honey into warm (not hot) green tea with lemon and serve.
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