Wheat 2
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Wheat is a basic food, an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, carbohydrates, quality proteins and fats and can be introduced into your baby's diet.

Wheat in the form of milk porridge could be included in your baby's diet just before the age of 6 months. Some babies may have an allergic reaction to wheat, so parents should be careful at the beginning and start gradually introducing this food into the baby's diet.

Why is this cereal good for babies and young children?

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It is rich in vitamins and minerals

Wheat is a perfect source of B vitamins and minerals, iron, magnesium, manganese, zinc, which are necessary for normal growth, development and a healthy mental system of a child.

A good source of carbohydrates

Wheat is an excellent source of carbohydrates that our body uses for the energy needed to perform daily physical and mental activities. We know that young children are especially physically active, and this cereal would be a healthy source of that necessary energy.

Improves digestion

A healthy digestive system and good digestion are important for our child to be healthy. Wheat is easily digested, preserves intestinal health, thus reducing unpleasant bloating and nausea.

Natural laxative

Whole wheat grain is rich in dietary fiber, which is excellent for the digestive system, preserves intestinal health, enables good digestion and prevents constipation.

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Improves oral health

A meal containing wheat contributes to better oral health, because it requires additional chewing, which will improve blood circulation in the gums and help prevent tooth decay.

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