Breakfast 2
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People who are trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight eat meals with a limited amount of food.

It is difficult to maintain such a diet in the long run, and that is why they gain weight again after a certain period. On the other hand, people who maintain a healthy weight without giving up are an inexhaustible source of information for experts

The VTI Technical Research Center in Finland studied the eating habits of 147 healthy people with a healthy weight for four months.

Researchers, led by Dr. Anna-Leena Vuorinen, found that healthy people usually eat three types of food for breakfast.

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Fruit was the most popular choice for 51 percent of respondents, 41 percent ate dairy products, while 33 percent of people chose flake consumption.

Although bread and bakery products are considered a source of unnecessary calories, as many as 32 percent of respondents start their day with this type of food.

The most interesting thing is that only 26 percent of respondents admitted to drinking coffee with breakfast, while the remaining 74 percent go to work and perform their duties without the help of caffeine.

"Instead of restricting diet and avoiding favorite foods, being overweight or gaining weight can be prevented if an individual learns to listen to his body's needs, preferring quality over quantity," explained Dr. Anna-Leena Vuorinen.

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